Creation and detection of fake news with machine learning and artificial intelligence

Other Projects

Table of Contents

1. Abstract 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Experimental 1.3 Theoretical 1.3.1 Characteristics of Fake News 1.3.2 Spread of Fake News 1.3.3 Fighting Fake News 1.3.4 Open Issue 2. Objective 2.1 Data collection 2.1.1 Datasets of News 2.1.2 Tools for creating a dataset of news 2.2 Type of Fake News 2.3 Technology 2.3.1 Creation of Fake News 2.3.2 Detection of Fake News 2.3.2 Machine Learning for Fake News Detection 2.3.2 Conclusion 3. Summary

1. Abstract

In an era where information is readily accessible to anyone, the proliferation of fake news has emerged as a formidable challenge to the integrity of public discourse and social stability. But what exactly is a fake news? It refers to false information disseminated through any media, aiming to misinform, create scandal, or attract clicks. The proliferation of this news has heavily impacted our world in various ways. Firstly, there is much less trust in the media, as individuals have become more skeptical about the information they encounter and often struggle to discern the veracity of news stories. Additionally, fake news has exerted a significant political influence, shaping public opinion and electoral outcomes according to many experts. Furthermore, the psychological toll of fake news cannot be understated, as exposure to misinformation engenders anxiety, confusion, and cognitive dissonance among individuals. In conclusion, the pervasive influence of fake news poses a grave threat to the fabric of our society, necessitating concerted efforts to combat its proliferation.

1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, there are over 4.6 billion people who have access to the Internet and various social media platforms. Within this vast number of individuals, there exists a diverse spectrum of people, ranging from children to the elderly, from the wealthy to the impoverished, from the renowned to the ordinary.

Primarily, the advent of the internet and various media channels has facilitated the breakdown of barriers imposed by time, distance, and social boundaries. This has fostered the creation of communities wherein individuals can freely share passions, interests, and valuable information, which is truly remarkable. However, within this remarkable realm, there also exist negative aspects, with one such aspect being the prevalence of fake news.

Fake news, information readily available on the web, can be challenging to discern, particularly for less attentive or less expert individuals. The deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information has the potential to sway public opinion, erode trust in institutions, and sow discord among communities. The objective of this research is to address this issue by developing methods leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to accurately and reliably distinguish real news from fake news.

Furthermore, this research aims to delve into the mechanisms facilitating the creation of fake news, utilizing artificial intelligence to simulate and analyze the tactics employed by malicious actors in generating disinformation. Additionally, this project seeks to bolster the digital ecosystem against the onslaught of disinformation, while also endeavoring to comprehend and analyze the dynamics and motivations driving this detrimental trend.

Another significant goal of this research is to harness the potential of artificial intelligence to unveil the veil of deception surrounding online discourse. By doing so, we aspire to pave the way toward a more informed, resilient, and cohesive society.

1.2 Experimental

1. Collection of Data: Gather a substantial volume of news from various sources and from different types of media, encompassing both authentic and fabricated content. Use web scraping tools to collect a large dataset of news articles or posts from various social media that encompass various topics and points of view. Subsequently, it is crucial to ascertain their veracity and identify any recurring patterns indicative of fake news or common elements frequently found within such articles. This whole process enables the detection of warning signs when analyzing news items. The collection and analysis of these articles will be fundamental for the creation of systems to create and detect fake news, so for all the further steps.

2. Creation of Fake News: We should use or program various AI tools or machine learning software to generate fake news articles, while also taking advantage of the article harvesting benefits we discussed above. We can also improve the machine until this software provides us with articles that are increasingly similar to the real ones, it will also be necessary to check these papers, trying to check if they contain grammatical errors or things that are too far from reality, to do this you could use human annotators who can provide us with feedback.

3. Detection of Fake News: In this case, it will be essential to exploit the recurring patterns that we have found and program machine learning capable of identifying these patterns and understanding whether the article is false or true. For this reason, it is necessary to collect a huge amount of news. It will, therefore, be necessary to program machine learning and AI that can recognize, in the most accurate way possible, whether a piece of news is true or false, regardless of whether it is sourced from various outlets such as social media or generated by us. Subsequently, efforts should focus on improving the software so that fake news is recognized more accurately while ensuring that real news is not mislabeled as false. Once again, human feedback will be instrumental in verifying the accuracy of the systems and providing necessary adjustments.

4. Accuracy measuring: Measure the overall accuracy of the detection system in correctly classifying news articles as real or fake. In particular, it will be important to compare the news generated by us and verify whether or not the detection software will be able to classify them as false.

5. Analysis and Interpretation: Interpreting experimental results within the context of the research objectives is essential, as it allows for the highlighting of insights into the effectiveness and limitations of AI-based fake news detection. It is also crucial to discuss the practical implications of the findings for combating the dissemination of fake news and to outline directions for future research, which may include model enhancements and considerations for real-world applications.

1.3 Theoretical

According to Cambridge Dictionary Fake News is defined as “false stories that are created and spread on the Internet to influence public opinion and appear to be true”. In 1903, what can be considered the mother of all fake news was published in Russia. Despite its obvious absurdity, rather than triggering uproarious laughter, it contributed to creating the cultural substrate that led a part of Europe to turn its head in the evidence of what happened in lagers, we can understand from that how ancient the origins of fake news are. However, with the advent of the internet and particularly social media, the dissemination of such news has reached its peak.

1.3.1 Characteristics of Fake News

Fake news is defined as stories that “describe events in the real world, typically by mimicking the conventions of traditional media reportage, yet known by their creators to be significantly false, and transmitted with the combined goals of being widely re-transmitted and of deceiving at least some of its audience”. Therefore, fake news consists of articles that are entirely false or contain a grain of truth, attempting to emulate or mimic real news and their main purpose is to generate interactions or, in any case, reactions from the reader. Now that we have a clear vision of what fake news actually are, we can proceed to describe the characteristics that this news presents:

1.3.2 Spread of Fake News

Unfortunately, one of the many controversial aspects of fake news concerns its spread. Experts liken it to the spread of a virus; just as with the plague, some individuals are more susceptible than others, in the case of fake news, this pertains to those who could more easily fall into these traps, much like a virus spread more rapidly depending on the number of exposed individuals and how many are actually "infected" and believe the story, additionally, it depends on how many of these individuals could further propagate false news. One of the factors that has exponentially increased the spread of fake news is the advent of social media. Their impact on the dissemination of this news has been devastating, as it is much easier for news to spread quickly, all it takes is for one person to share the news on various social networks, and it could quickly reach millions and millions of people. Obviously, this has had a strong impact on our society, including:

1.3.3 Fighting Fake News

Due to the rapid spread of fake news, many researchers and technology giants are collaborating to try to resolve, or at least mitigate this social plague. They are attempting to create mechanisms for identifying fake news. One of the most effective methods among those developed is the content based fake news detection method, which aims to detect fake news by analyzing the content of the article. This strategy is further divided into several approaches, but we will analyze the two most relevant:

Thanks to the implementation of these strategies and the advancement of technologies capable of identifying the veracity of news, we are increasingly striving to eliminate the prevalence of false information, or at the very least, we are endeavoring to equip people with methods to easily discern the difference between authentic and fabricated content. In conclusion, we have comprehended the true nature of fake news and its main characteristics. We have observed its rapid expansion and the efforts made to mitigate this plague. Now, our focus will shift to creation and detection strategies utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning.

1.3.4 Open Issue

Despite the collective efforts of various stakeholders, including governments, tech companies, researchers, and civil society organizations, to mitigate the social problem of fake news, it continues to proliferate. This persistence leads to multiple open issues, including:

It will therefore be essential to look for solutions to all these problems before it is too late.

2. Objective

The main objective of the study is to carefully analyze and understand the phenomenon of fake news. In order to tackle this project, it will be necessary to analyze several elements that characterize fake news. One of these elements is the investigation into natural language understanding, which will allow us to discern characteristic patterns enabling the identification of false news pieces with greater ease. Moreover, it is crucial to classify and differentiate them by types, such as misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. Another fundamental aspect to analyze is the psychological impact that this news has on the population, including cognitive biases, social influence, and echo chambers. Understanding and analyzing the various technologies used to create and detect fake news is also imperative. For instance, machine learning will be employed to define models for classifying deceptive and legitimate news articles. Additionally, deep learning architectures will be explored for feature extraction and pattern recognition.

2.1 Data collection

This segment will be pivotal for the study's objectives and all subsequent research sections. Would be useful to create or use a dataset comprising both true and false articles, coming from different sources and dealing with different topics. This approach ensures the analysis of a vast array of news articles, each distinct from the others. Establishing selection criteria for news articles is an initial step in dataset construction and involves prioritizing factors such as relevance, diversity, and representativeness of the data:

Once the criteria for selecting news articles are established, it becomes essential to determine the sources from which to obtain these articles. Sources of fake news may include social media platforms, news websites, and online forums known for their susceptibility to fake news dissemination.

2.1.1 Dataset of news

In the realm of fake news detection, numerous researchers are engaged. Consequently, numerous sets of fake news are generated, yet only a fraction of these are actually disseminated. We will leverage these pre-fabricated datasets to gain a deeper understanding of the distinction between fake and real news. Most of these datasets comprise both false and true news, sourced from various channels, thereby proving highly advantageous for our study. However, discerning the suitability of each for our study's objectives will be imperative.In this list will delineate the most pertinent datasets for our research:

2.1.2 Tools for creating a dataset of news

Another method to obtain a news dataset is by leveraging certain tools that enable us to create our personalized news dataset. This list analyzes the most relevant ones for our study.

2.2 Type of Fake News

here are mainly four types of Fake news:

The impact of fake news, particularly in a world where the majority of the population is connected to the internet, can be devastating. From influencing public opinion and exacerbating social divisions to undermining trust in institutions, fake news poses significant threats. Furthermore, the advancement of artificial intelligence has also amplified the volume of fake news accessible on the internet.

2.3 Technology

This section represents the pivotal experimental phase of the project, arguably the most crucial, as it entails the actual generation and detection of fake news using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Subsequently, it involves the evaluation and comparison of the obtained results. We will leverage all the elements acquired in the preceding sections, including the fake news dataset and various linguistic patterns, to instruct the machines on accurately discerning fake news. Naturally, it is imperative to minimize errors or maintain an exceptionally low error rate. Additionally, it is crucial to delineate and enumerate the distinct technologies utilized for creation and detection, as they exhibit considerable divergence.

2.3.1 Creation of Fake News

We will begin working on the generation of fake news. To accomplish this, we will test various artificial intelligences and we will discuss the results obtained.

Each of the AI tested yielded a more or less positive result, with some delivering more exciting outcomes than others. Nonetheless, all were able to provide us with the desired content. Each tool proved remarkably user-friendly, it only required inserting a brief description of the desired result, and within seconds, the fake news was generated. This process was remarkably simple and swift in achieving the desired output. However, this ease of generation raises concerns: will it be just as effortless to discern that the generated news is fake?

2.3.2 Detection of Fake News

After generating the fake news using various artificial intelligences, it will be necessary to test the tools' ability to recognize whether the news is true or false. To adequately verify this, we will initiate the testing phase by attempting to ascertain if the artificial intelligence can yield satisfactory results. Subsequently, we will leverage machine learning, to which the previously created datasets will be provided, aiming to attain the most accurate result feasible. The goal is to assess the capabilities and limitations of AI to subsequently develop machine learning models capable of providing the most precise results possible.

2.3.2 Machine Learning for Fake News Detection

First, to develop the Machine Learning model, I have realized two datasets: one containing fake news and the other containing real news. Both of these datasets will be used to allow the machine learning system to distinguish between real and fake news, these articles set consist of more than 20000 articles. To build this tool, I used four prediction models for greater confidence, if all four models indicate that the news is true or false, I can be virtually certain of the accuracy of the result. Specifically, these algorithms are: Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree Classifier (DT), Gradient Boosting Classifier (GB) and Random Forest Classifier (RF).

To fully analyze the effectiveness of our machine, we will check whether it is able to recognize the articles previously created using artificial intelligence as fake news. We'll start with the one made via RolePlay v1; the result is shown in the image below.


As shown, all four algorithms classify the news as fake. From this, we can infer that the tool has reached a unanimous decision on the article, leading us to consider the result highly satisfactory. Clearly, the tool will not furnish us with explanations regarding why the news is false, however, our primary requirement is for it to make accurate guesses.

Let's continue with the PostGen.AI fake news, the result is shown in the image below.


As evident here as well, all four models delivered a satisfactory response. We can also consider this as an excellent result.

Let us proceed with the fabricated news generated through GPT 3.5. The outcome is depicted in the image below.


Despite the fake news generated by GPT, which I deemed the most successful, all four algorithms were able to identify the article as fake. Therefore, we can regard this as a significant success of the tool.

We continue with the latest fake news that we created through artificial intelligence, that of WhiteCream.AI, the result is shown in the image below.


In this case, as well, we achieved an excellent result; all four algorithms correctly recognized the fake news. We can describe the machine learning test as fully satisfactory, as our tool consistently identified the correct result in all four scenarios. However, we will delve deeper into this topic in the conclusions.

For our final test, we will assess whether machine learning can accurately recognize a news item sourced from the internet as authentic. For this experiment, we will once again utilize the same news item as before, extracted directly from the official NBC website. Specifically, the news pertains to the topic of sending aid packages to Israel and Ukraine. The result is displayed in the image below.


The machine successfully identified the article as genuine. We can deem the result extremely satisfactory. Clearly, the tool can be improved, especially since the machine's prediction probability is not foolproof. However, by incorporating additional articles into the dataset, we can anticipate increasingly notable results. Nevertheless, it was optimal for our study. However, it will be necessary to analyze the entire experimental section in the conclusion.

Now, as a final test for machine learning, let's take some recent news articles published by and attempt to ascertain whether our tool can discern its veracity. In this case, I will only display the specific scenarios or cases in which our machine makes errors. Let's begin with a news story concerning Elon Musk and Robert De Niro. The result is displayed in the image below.


With this news, we can observe a noteworthy aspect: three of our models classify the article as genuine, whereas the Decision Tree Classifier (DT) algorithm categorizes it as false, this is a very particular situation, fortunately, I am certain of the veracity of this news. However, it underscores the fact that even our machine is not infallible. Anyway, it is a positive note that three models successfully identified the news as false.

We proceed with another news item, once again sourced from The outcome is depicted in the image below.


This represents another unique scenario, as all four models categorized the news as false, whereas it is, in fact, a genuine article. It's quite unusual that every algorithm got the prediction wrong, fortunately, this is a scenario that occurs rarely.

Let's proceed with another news piece sourced from, specifically regarding Joe Biden and his son Hunter's business activities in Ukraine. The details are depicted in the image below.


This scenario represents a significant concern, as two of the algorithms produce predictions divergent from the other two. Consequently, I cannot definitively determine the veracity of the news, so it is unclear which algorithm is inaccurate in its prediction. However, this situation further underscores the fallibility of algorithms.

In this final experimental part, we noticed by analyzing a very large quantity of news and inserting as examples only the scenarios in which the algorithm actually made a mistake or presented particular situations, that a 70% prediction probability may not be adequate. It becomes evident that exponentially expanding the dataset is essential for achieving increasingly accurate results. Nonetheless, the preceding segment concerning our generation of fake news performed optimally. This observation highlights that the machine tends to err more in recognizing real news by mislabeling them as false.

2.3.2 Conclusion

The experimental phase of the project was highly intensive. We began by generating fake news using AI, then proceeded to detect it using other forms of artificial intelligence, ultimately developing a machine learning capable of recognizing fake news. The process of generating fake articles yielded surprising results; all four tools provided satisfactory outcomes, albeit with varying degrees of success. For example, the articles created using GPT 3.5 were particularly brilliant, while others also demonstrated the potential to deceive less attentive readers. However, the detection phase using artificial intelligence was not entirely successful. While GPT often yielded positive results, they were not consistently excellent. In contrast, GroverAI was particularly disappointing, highlighting the lack of countermeasures against the generation of fake news.

This study underscored the need for improvements in both detection tools and the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Initially, I anticipated different results in this regard, but the analyzed data made me realize the seriousness of the issue. Fortunately, machine learning appears capable of addressing this significant problem. All generated articles were correctly labeled as fake news, which is a positive development.

However, extensive testing has revealed that the machine is not infallible and tends to make errors, the prediction rate is around 70%, not that high unfortunately, but by expanding the dataset we can increase this probability and significantly decrease the possibility of mistakes. I expect that continuous advancements will be made to improve detection, eventually leading to automatic and highly accurate detection with minimal error rates.

3. Summary

Numerous aspects are explored in this research, ranging from the concept of fake news to its generation and detection. As stated in the abstract, in an era where information is readily accessible to anyone, the proliferation of fake news has emerged as a formidable challenge to the integrity of public discourse and social stability. This research underscores the veracity of this statement, as we have observed that while there exist multiple theoretical strategies to combat fake news, the reality proves markedly different. The objectives of the study encompassed a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of fake news articles, alongside an analysis of the feasibility of their creation and detection through various tools. The research reveals that creation is relatively straightforward yet highly effective, whereas detection, employing not only artificial intelligence but also machine learning, ultimately emerged as the most complex and yielded fewer results. Through this analysis, it becomes apparent that the situation is indeed intricate and necessitates proactive measures to counteract this phenomenon. The assertions made in the abstract at the outset of our study are thus profoundly validated. However, in any case, the experimental segment of this study is notably comprehensive. It commences with the establishment of a dataset comprising a vast array of real and counterfeit news, crafted through the utilization of various tools discussed in the research, the use of this facilitated the development of the machine learning. We proceeded to leverage diverse artificial intelligence, enabling us to effortlessly generate high-quality fake news by simply providing a succinct overview of the intended article content. The final phase revolves around detection, initially, we evaluated the artificial intelligence I managed to exploit, albeit with limited success. Subsequently, we concluded the experimental phase by constructing and deploying a machine learning model which also thanks to the use of the dataset which we talked about previously, allowed us to obtain good results. Through a final experiment involving the analysis of a vast amount of news, we have also highlighted the weaknesses and fallibility of the algorithm. It is undoubtedly necessary to make improvements also in this regard.